There are different kind of love. These are some synonims I found in;
cherishingdevotednessworshipdesirefancyErosCupidVenuspuppy lovecalf love
I'll keep the last two and I will show you some pictures too...
This is a tribute* to one person I met this week; I am sure she practices all of the above mentioned "synonims" of love. But she shares specially her LOVE with all living beings* through the arduous task of coordinating LOVE of others to help and take care of CATS.
You may have a cat or not, but you see them in the streets all the time, right? Some of them approach* you, others are completely wild, but in any case they are not as we think, we do not control them, not even foreseen* their behaviour*. And by the way, ... who is taking care of those cats? can we take them home?
There are a lot of organizations around the world which as PROGATS IGUALADA help CATS in many different ways.
I will be posting some interesting information about these genuine creatures, for the moment you can check the site and contact them for further information if needed.
This is "Mofletes" he will guide us into CATS world of course in its elegant way...
"read me soon"!

* Tribute; Tributo/homenaje
* Living beings: seres vivos
* To approach; acercarse, aproximarse
*To foreseen: prever
* Behaviour: comportamiento